Journal paper Guidelines

TiDE Journal
BDAT Journal

A. For submission in TiDE Journal
Aims and Scope
“The journal of the TRG aims to provide an avenue for people who work on problems that arise in developing economies to publish their work for the national and international audience. Such a journal will also help create awareness among the international academia, engineering and planning community about the nature of the problems, which are sometimes quite challenging, that occur in countries like India. This in turn will bring in new ideas to tackle these academically challenging problems. It is envisaged that academics, engineers and planners from around the world will, in due course of time, get drawn towards these problems and help solve them. Such synergy between the academics, engineers and planners of developed and developing economies will ultimately lead to better understanding of transportation problems everywhere. Over time, the proposed journal will become a leading forum where researchers from around the world will want to publish their work. Given that the journal wishes to provide an avenue for good research to be published on an international forum the journal will publish papers on all topics related to transportation. The emphasis will be on research, planning and engineering problems that typically arise in developing economies. The journal will only publish original research or review articles of good quality with high archival value. Initially TiDE may publish only two issues annually. It is expected that in the long run TiDE will be published every quarter.
Peer Review Information: This journal follows a double blind peer review process.â€

Pre-requisites for submission
For empirical work

  • Amount of data used should be reasonable and have an accepted spread soas tomake meaningful and useful conclusions.
  • Data should be adequately described.
  • Statistical analysis should be adequately distributed.
  • Statistical analysis should be complete; cursory description should be avoided.
  • Conclusions drawn should be contributory in nature.

For theoretical/ numerical and or analytical/ model development work

  • Gap in the literature should be clearly demonstrated.
  • Mathematical model development should be adequately described.
  • Computational issues, if any, should be addressed.
  • Results from demonstrative cases should presented.
  • Practical use of the model should be highlighted.
  • Real world applications are desirable.

For simulation work

  • If the existing simulation models are used then novelty should be described at length.
  • Comparative studies (where one existing simulation model results are compared with another) should be submitted if the comparison highlights the benefits of one over the other and these benefits were earlier unknown.
  • Routine studies involving simulation results, slightly different that what are readily available, may not be submitted.

Please read the authors guidelines provided on the journal website.  Strictly adhere to the layout specified. [Instructions for Authors]

Submission to TiDE
If your work matches with the aims and scope of TiDE, and if the prerequisites and layout requirements are satisfied, proceed with the submission here.


B. For submission in BDAT Journal
Aims and Scope
“The journal will publish original research papers applying big data techniques to transportation problems. The problems big data techniques are applied to can range from improvement in real-time transportation operations, transportation planning to near term prediction of crash risk. The paper may provide novel ideas about improved data ingestion, data curation, data archiving, data visualization, data security etc. for better transportation decision making. The data being used in the paper should at least satisfy on of the 3 V’s of the Gartner’s definition of big data i.e., high volume, high velocity or high variety. Also, knowledge discovery should use holistic approach instead of sampling and aggregation techniques to be considered as big data application. The techniques could involve CPU, RAM, GPU based high performance computing for batch analytics, stream processing, big data visualization, deep learning, or distributed computing such as block chain applications for enhanced security and smart contracts.â€

Please read the authors guidelines provided on the journal website.  Strictly adhere to the layout specified. [Instructions for Authors]

Submission to BDAT
If your work matches with the aims and scope of BDAT, and if the layout requirements are satisfied, proceed with the submission here.